This website has been authorized by the Palm Beach County MS4 NPDES (PBC NPDES) Steering Committee as a resource for all permittees within the county. It is intended that this site will provide the permittee with helpful information on understanding and complying with the requirements of the MS4 NPDES permit.

Group/Joint Activities - Training

Annual Refresher Training

The Palm Beach County MS4 permit requires that permittees provide training on three topics. Annual follow-up (or "refresher") training is required for those that have received the initial training. The three topics are:

  • Identification & reporting procedures for a suspected illicit discharge or dumping in the MS4 for all appropriate permittee personnel (including field crews, fleet maintenance staff, and inspectors) and contractors. (Part III.A.7.c)
  • Spill prevention, containment & response procedures (including techniques for mitigating pollution from spills) for all appropriate permittee personnel (including field crews, firefighters, fleet maintenance staff, and inspectors. (Part III.A.7.d)
  • Stormwater management and erosion and sedimentation control BMPs for construction sites for site plan reviewers, site operators, and site inspectors. Construction site inspectors must be certified through the Florida Stormwater, Erosion, and Sedimentation Control Inspector Training program, or equivalent. (Part III.A.9.c)

The Palm Beach County MS4 permittees carry out a joint training program that is available to all permittee personnel, as well as contractors and private individuals.

Illicit discharge, spill prevention and sedimentation & erosion control training topics are presented at a group training session, held at least once each year, typically in March. Training description and attendance logs are maintained for each training session. View Past Refresher Training Summaries & Attendance Logs

In addition, a Library of EXCAL Visual Training videos is available to the permittees anytime for use at in-house training sessions. View Video Library

FDOT also has produced training videos for Illicit Discharges, and for Spill Prevention Control & Response. They are both available in English and Spanish.

FSESCI Training

Each year, typically in May, the PBC Group sponsors an FDEP Florida Stormwater Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspector (FSESCI) training course. FDEP course material is presented by an FDEP-approved trainer and certification testing is a part of the course. This course is sponsored in order to make the training and certification accessible to MS4 permittee staff and contractors in the area. Sign-in sheets for recent FSESCI training courses are available from the link below. View FSESCI Attendance Logs

FSESCI Certifications can be verified on the following FDEP webpage:

Other Available Training (not required by MS4 permit)

Stormwater Management Personnel Training

Personnel training for managers, supervisors, field maintenance personnel, technicians, heavy equipment operators, and field staff are available from various organizations.

The Florida Stormwater Association ( offers two stormwater operator certification seminars:
  • FSA Stormwater Operator Certification - Level 1 The Level 1 program is intended to improve the knowledge and competency of stormwater management field personnel by providing high quality, consistent training that assures a recognized level of knowledge and skill. This two-day course is designed for field maintenance personnel such as foremen, technicians, heavy equipment operators, road stabilization crews, crew leaders, etc.
  • FSA Stormwater Operator Certification - Level 2 The Level 2 program is intended to familiarize stormwater management supervisory personnel with the tools necessary to effectively implement your organizations goals and objectives. The curriculum includes leadership skills and communication, proper design of stormwater management systems, permitting requirements, operating budgets and stormwater utility fees. This two-day course is designed for senior-level foremen, managers and supervisors. Successful completion results in a Stormwater Operator Level 2 Certification from FSA and fulfills FDEP's training requirements of your MS4 permit for appropriate stormwater management personnel in Illicit Discharge Detection/Elimination and Spill Prevention Control/Countermeasures. Also, the course has been pre-approved to provide 6 parallel continuing education credits (CECs) for Certified Floodplain Managers.
The Florida Water Pollution Control Operators Association ( has three levels of stormwater management classes (C, B and A). All classes are week-long seminars. Prerequisites include years of experience in stormwater (1 to 5 years), and completion of the previous level class. FWPCOA also offers a 3-hour regional Stormwater NPDES Illicit Discharge Training course.

Upcoming Training Sessions
The next training event has not been scheduled yet. MS4 Group 2024 Annual Refresher Training available for viewing.
Click here to download.
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