This website has been authorized by the Palm Beach County MS4 NPDES (PBC NPDES) Steering Committee as a resource for all permittees within the county. It is intended that this site will provide the permittee with helpful information on understanding and complying with the requirements of the MS4 NPDES permit.

Permit Component - Illicit Discharges/Improper Disposal

The MS4 permit includes a number of requirements related to illicit discharges, improper disposal, and/or illegal dumping:

  • Review and strengthen legal authority to enforce compliance on this requirement.
  • Conduct proactive inspections to identify and eliminate illicit discharges, improper disposal or illegal dumping to the MS4.
  • Carry out a reactive investigation program to follow-up on reports of illicit discharges, improper disposal or illegal dumping.
  • Train all appropriate personnel to identify and report suspected illicit discharges, improper disposal and illegal dumping.
  • Carry out a spill prevention/spill response program.
  • Train all appropriate personnel on the spill prevention/spill response plan.
  • Carry out a program to reduce or eliminate sanitary wastewater contamination into the MS4.

Useful Links:

FDEP provided a list of the types of facilities that are most likely required to have coverage under the MSGP (multi-sector generic permit) program.

The FDEP website has an up-to-date list of facilities that are already covered by an MSGP. Once on the FDEP webpage, click on "NPDES Stormwater Facilities" to download the list.

FDOT - Tier 1 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Training Video (English)

FDOT - Tier 1 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Training Video (Spanish)

Many of these files are in pdf format. You will need the free Acrobat Reader plug-in. Download it here.
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