This website has been authorized by the Palm Beach County MS4 NPDES (PBC NPDES) Steering Committee as a resource for all permittees within the county. It is intended that this site will provide the permittee with helpful information on understanding and complying with the requirements of the MS4 NPDES permit.

Permit Component - Roadways (incl. Street Sweeping Program)

The Permittee is required by the MS4 permit to operate and maintain public streets, roads, highways, and rights-of-way in a manner to reduce the discharge of pollutants into stormwater.

The components of the Roadway Program are:

Litter Control: The Permittee must maintain a written description of the litter control program, including an estimate of the total number of road miles in the program, and the frequency of collection. Collected litter must be measured (by weight or volume) and documented for reporting purposes. If no litter collection program is carried out, an explanation must be provided in each annual report.

An "Adopt-A-Road" program is suggested, but is not required. If the Permittee coordinates a program, it should be documented and reported in each annual report.

Street Sweeping: The Permittee must maintain a written description of the street sweeping program, including an estimate of the total miles in the program and the frequency of sweeping. Material collected must be measured (by weight or volume) and documented for reporting purposes. The amount of phosphorus and nitrogen load removed as a result of the street sweeping collections, must be calculated using the FDEP/FSA Nutrient Load Reduction Assessment Tool and reported annually. The tool is the result of a study by the Florida Stormwater Association and the University of Florida.

Maintenance Yards: The Permittee must maintain a written description of the practices carried out to reduce pollutants that could be generated from road repair or maintenance, or from municipal equipment yards and maintenance shops that support road maintenance activity. The yards and shops must be inspected annually and all inspections must be documented for annual reporting.

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