This website has been authorized by the Palm Beach County MS4 NPDES (PBC NPDES) Steering Committee as a resource for all permittees within the county. It is intended that this site will provide the permittee with helpful information on understanding and complying with the requirements of the MS4 NPDES permit.

Group/Joint Activities - Water Quality Monitoring

The MS4 permit’s water quality monitoring requirement (Part V of the Cycle 4 permit) is met through a joint program. The monitoring program includes the following components:

  • ambient water quality sampling
  • water quality data analyses
  • trend analyses
  • annual pollutant loading calculations in Permit Year 3 of each cycle

The Palm Beach County MS4 NPDES permit monitoring program includes ambient water quality monitoring sites which were selected after coordination among the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Palm Beach County Environmental Resource Management (ERM), the Loxahatchee River District (LRD), Broward County (BC), City of West Palm Beach (CWPB), and the Palm Beach County permittees.

The Watershed Boundary Map depicts the locations of the 44 water quality monitoring sites.

All water quality data, at all monitoring sites, for the full periods of record, are provided in these Excel spreadsheets. The data in the Excel spreadsheets was extracted from WIN/STORET (ERM, LRD, BC, and CWPB) and DbHydro (SFWMD).
Each Excel spreadsheet (one per watershed) contains:
  • Full period of record for all parameters tested, at each sampling/monitoring location in that watershed
  • Statistical summary of the full period of record for all parameters tested, at each sampling/monitoring location in that watershed
  • Trend calculation sheets for TP, TN, Chl-a at each sampling/monitoring location in that watershed
  • Trend summary table for TP, TN, Chl-a for the sampling/monitoring locations in that watershed

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