This website has been authorized by the Palm Beach County MS4 NPDES (PBC NPDES) Steering Committee as a resource for all permittees within the county. It is intended that this site will provide the permittee with helpful information on understanding and complying with the requirements of the MS4 NPDES permit.


Welcome to the Palm Beach County (PBC) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permittee cooperative website. The PBC MS4 NPDES permit is held jointly by most MS4 owners within the geographic area of Palm Beach County. The permittees have taken a cooperative approach to permit compliance, jointly conducting several permit activities and collectively developing a number of tools used to carry out the permit programs. Each permit cycle, the lead permittee (Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District (NPBCID)) enters into inter-local agreements with each of the other permittees to oversee the joint activities. On these pages the PBC MS4 permittee will find useful reference information, templates for use, and additional information to assist in carrying out the requirements of the PBC MS4 NPDES permit.

A Steering Committee, comprised of one representative from the lead permittee, two representatives of larger municipalities, two representatives of smaller municipalities, one representative of a special district, and one representative from Palm Beach County, coordinates the joint activities and advises NPBCID. The Committee meets regularly (approximately monthly) typically at the offices of the Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District (NPBCID) to coordinate the program.

Acting as staff to the Steering Committee and assisting with the administration of the joint activities are Mock•Roos and Caldwell, Pacetti, et al.

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The date for the next meeting has not been set.

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    Website owned by NPBCID and maintained by Mock•Roos